There is possibly a misconception in the Western world that ancient India was ignorant of aspects such as strategy, statecraft or administration even though the Indian epics spoke of vast kingdoms and of major battles that were fought. However, the discovery of Arthashastra in the early part of the twentieth century changed all that. The Arthashastra was observed to be a compilation of guidelines on governing a vast empire covering aspects of internal administration, military strategy, diplomacy and economics. It also advised the ruler to promote the welfare of his people as they were the source of strength of a nation. Use of diplomacy and political guile was propagated in preference to outright war. Rulers were also advised to calculate long term and short term gains before launching a war. It also talked of how every resource or element of national power should be utilised by a ruler. With most modern nations looking at issues through a similar prism, it would be evident that the ..
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