Biomimetics is an interdisciplinary field in which principles from engineering, chemistry and biology are applied to the synthesis of materials, synthetic systems or machines that have functions that mimic biological processes. Horseshoe crabs offer a few learning for our defence.
Of the long stretch of the eastern shore board of India, the northern shores of Odissa and the southern shores of West Bengal are home to horseshoe crabs. There are 4 species found only in a few pockets of the earth. Zoologically the crab is an arthropod (invertebrate), family Limulus sole surviving xiphosurans order. It is the sole case on earth. It is a living fossil as it has not undergone any physiological change since the Precambrian 350-450 million years before the present i.e., long before the Himalayas rose from the sea due to plate tectonics. The crab is a Gondwana creature. It offers few defence research opportunities.

Fig 1- PC:
Vision 1
The crabs have a Unique Vision System. This can be mimicked by scholars. The animal avails a 3-axial impression (not any ocular view) via its 8 sensing pods located at the top-sides and bottom known as lateral; median; parietal & ventral. It is a compound system alike a combo of RADAR + Doppler + Sonar primarily being compression caused by non-compressible fluid i.e., hydrostatic pressure fluctuations (stimulus) countered with action. The acoustic component being in the long wave range enables the crab to sense over the horizon; past the opaque obstruction. The US’s Northrop Grumman in B2 Stealth bomber has done so. We are decades behind.
Indian youths can align the compound & median vision pods with the star of India Ravati (Zeta Piscium) and simultaneously with the Indo-Leo-satellite network which all, in turn, be aligned with the centre of only 9 of the 27 naked eye visible major stars (excluding the Sun). The 27 stars are vedic jotish (plural-luminaries) and 9 members span the arc span of 1/3rd of the globe’s 3600 in any axis. Since, the Sanatan Siddhanta scholastic historical period it has been held that the major luminaries are associated with a Nakshatra (constellation) which in turn are comprised of numerous stars having a fixed architecture which has been copied on the ground (Ref-1) like modern terrestrial tracking stations. So no going away, no miss in flight path despite loitering and wandering. ( )
The platform’s flight shall be as like a bat’s (Chiropetra) i.e., non-harmonic, & undulating which on the RADAR screen shall reflect as an occasional mini blip consistent with a vagabond light-craft. Flight type being undulated, full of roll, pitches & yaw (pre-fed program yet alterable from the cockpit). Such flight pattern shall not create any uniform frontal compression\frequencies; will deflect the incoming RADAR (including Doppler) in narrow angles variedly towards its hind, reflecting nothing towards the emitter or any direction of the 1800 frontal azimuth. The crab precisely does that @ slow; the B2 @ medium; the bat @ high (cross-section: displacement). The ventral eye pod pair is located near its mouth to visualize its food. In an Indo ultra-long range super stealth bomber\fighter the ventral sensors are locked with the Earth’s centre so that the platform is not required to depend on terrestrial stations while over enemy territory (like spy sat’s) and thus avail zero chances of break-through by opposing sensors; for guiding own munitions towards target with last millisecond (re)coding as per pilot’s need. The unit’s master control chips as paired array members are located on the cockpit’s nape & lower fuselage for poly functions including skin-thin stabilizer-cum-rudder as swivel-enabled eyes with lids – inaccessible by any ground or space-borne based counter operations including jammers while the Indo-Leo-&-terrain intermeshed latticed tenter framework shall be ever functioning 24x7x365.
Vision 2

Fig – 2: Arrow 1 – The vision pod on the dorsal’s side. Wonder what a placement! Arrow 2 – Additional rear sensor dual tapering row array. Author’s photo. Chandipur, ITR range, Balasore, Odissa
The pan-global hegemonists and vassals have mapped the earth’s surface many times in great detail since the days of the USAF Black Bird. Sub-continent India stands exposed in her regions & realms. These days the hegemonist is extensively engaged in the task of muongraphic mapping particularly Asia’s arsenals & minerals. She is light years ahead of India. Muography from Leo (e.g., honourable Musk’s starlets) does a deep crust tomography that reveals the details (in 2D-&-3D) of every item of the indo-Asian military, nuclear & strategic hardware-cum-wherewithal that be buried or submerged meters deep. Such an eagle already knows more than Mother India’s field or blue sea commanders. Such a competitor is deep mapping India right at the moment using muography. Therefore, for India’s offense-&-defense the physics & chemistry of the horseshoe crab’s vision system may be considered as a cue for (i) copycat model\s. The more urgent need is (ii) to fail muography by the non-authorized. Any counter however crude, crass-&-small is most urgently called for. Shall be a sterling act of patriotism.
The symbol μ- represents muon, a fermion created when high-energy cosmic particles (protons) within the Earth’s atmosphere collide and go helter-skelter 24×7 (Gravity does not play on μ− ). Traverses at near light speed, with a –ve charge with a life of 2 microseconds, weigh 207 times more than electrons decay into electrons penetrating @ 1 Km\microsecond. Such penetration-size-&-mass is an imaging opportunity. μ−s can image objects only at a scale of hectometers & kilometres. μ−s are all-pervading, abundant and free. Needs a special particle camera (India has one), and a Leo satellite affixed. Snaps need scale-quenching on software platforms. Indian youths are the past masters for inventing and or re-purposing existing software & hardware and interfacing is a desktop game.
Suppose a squadron of battle tanks is hidden beneath soil and sand layered surface of 10 meters each thickness below which is a cover of a concrete cast of 1 meter thick the μ− will first breach the soil burden, then the sand layers as two signatures, the top concrete layer than it will also penetrate past the metal make armaments and then again the lower concrete slab on which the tanks rests and then continue further downwards. The masonry & the Fe shall yield anomalous signatures. At each layer such penetrating fermions shall disperse variedly and thereby create meter-wide variable signatures which are indiscernible as μ− images are of hectometer scale in X & Y axes. Therefore, as in brain MRI\Tumor sensitivity ping probing be done on mt2 scale of ground (or less; easy via software). The on-screen binge probe is sensitive only for masonry (standout due to density & temperature contrast) & Fe (standout due to specific gravity & also because μ−s assimilates relatively more into Fe, triggering ionic activity). Fe gets lighted to particle cameras; selectively confirming man-made masonry or metal deep down. Masonry shall appear as holes and metals as bright spots. Thereafter, such anomalous signature pocket needs to be isolated and run on another software for gain accentuation & image enhancement, then compared with standard models and proceed for generation of crass 2D imaging @ mm2 scale images. On dedicated integrated computing platforms such work shall take a few minutes per Km2 of enemy ground space. If not in detail at least the sites & the depth at which the nation’s enemy has hidden his wherewithal deep down shall stand a good chance of getting exposed. Strafing war pilots & missionary missiles shall do a neat job with ease, thereafter. The key is in the hands of the Indian youths.
Urgent Need
Our enemies, who all have attained high refinement of such technology have much better info about our embedded arsenal and stockpiles. Then how to deceive them to get a strategic advantage? Place dummies using (a) PVC foam-board (b) charcoal bed (c) argon lamps in strategic chambers or in the falls ceilings (d) horizontal thermal shock layers. Such a combination will draw away the μ−s from the objects; inflict decay of the μ−s and fail imagery. Should be switched on as the inimical star-link satellites are about 45 degrees pre-zenith to 45 degrees post-zenith with near overhead declination. Argon light decoration string lights are available in every market\street. At the surface atop the conventional underground\basement storages, these strings (or even deep violet lights) can be set up to foil muon imaging, while iron & or Pb plates shall restrict X-ray penetration. India’s existing strategic warehouses can be shielded at least cost of time and money. Jointly shall create chaos for extra-terrestrial imaging efforts by extra-mural forces. Billions of $ of anti-India investments have thence to be re-purposed and re-engineered by the enemies that be. Time saved is war won. Money saved is prosperity-in-pocket.
Terrorists use night vision systems as a lookout for anti-personnel snipers & remote-controlled IED activity against our forces. Their frequencies can be put to nought by affixing an extreme violet ultra-low lumen mini bulb array on the infantryman’s uniform (battery operated) and surely above all heavy amour. The lamp is sky pointing including maritime flotsam. This author votes for the ultra-low lumen extreme violet range as the choice band of the visible range. A soldier saved is an aggression foiled. A vessel saved is an invasion failed.
The horseshoe crab is an option for extended studies. Start by finding a hidden deep fissure, a crevasse in the Himalayan range and or any Indo glacier’s bottom architecture (all are of large scale on all axis). Try to find oil, gold or selenium deposits. Any efforts in any such direction should not be made with an objective of ‘by the establishment; of the establishment; for the establishment’. One applicant; one objective; one funding (no 2nd). Do not pre-declare an average subject of the President of India as a suspect. Do not commence with an import; ‘Make-in-India’. Hectometers scale digital exposures (bland) should be dispensed to computer whiz kids. India lags in defence imaging technology. Let the civil soldiers support the armed forces. Images have good cultural, social, commercial & industrial applications too.
Title image courtesy:
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of India and Defence Research and Studies

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